Paint Your Pet for Adults & Kids

Join your artist instructor to paint your Paint your Pet Portrait canvas. Great for date night, husband and wife, family reunion, girl’s night out, club or sorority event, or besties. Pet lovers send us a photo or your dog, cat, bird or other favorite pet.

Paint your favorite furry friend!

Our artist instructor will guide you individually through the painting process and you’ll leave with a masterpiece. Includes 16 x 20 pre-sketched canvas, individual instruction, and all art supplies. In-person class limited to allow for individual instruction.

Kids love their pets too so we now offer a kid’s paint your pet class! Same small class size and invididual insturction. Check our calendar for the next pet portrait class.
BYOB studio allows beer, wine, seltzer, non-alcoholic beverages and food or snacks. Plenty of space to set up food and drinks.

Paint Your Pet Gallery

Sign up for an Upcoming Pet Painting Class

© Cheers N Paint 2024

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